I am a firm believer that what you carry on your person could greatly determine if you make it back home at the end of the day. With that being said, I have done multiple videos about gear that I have tested or that I carry for my Every Day Carry

What is EDC (Every Day Carry) you ask. Well, EDC refers to the items that you carry on your person each day. This could include many different items and it can vary from person to person. To decide what you need for your EDC gear will be based on what your every day life consists of. None of us want to carry things we will never need, so it is imperative that we plan. The plus, it is very easy to change as we see fit. 

The RAVEn - WE THE people holsters belt

One of my favorite belts to wear both daily and at the range. Sturdy enough to hold your holsters in place while drawing a lot at the range and adjustable enough to make room after that big lunch. 

What's in my get home bag

Also part of EDC, in my opinion, is the ability to get home in the event of a disaster or major problem while you are away from home. This, like what is in your pockets, will vary from person to person and by location that you travel.